Winter’s log, earthdate 201703.22

04.43 pm

Well, it’s been a fairly quiet day today – Julian left home fairly early today to go to the Dentist, and I mostly just… pottered around, frittering away my time as I usually do, when I’m uncertain as to exactly how much time I’m going to have before I have to jump up and do something meaningful – like make a cup of coffee, for instance, or do the cat litter boxes, or go out shopping – I’m sure you know what I mean! 😉 Anyway, Julian was ostensibly going to have a wisdom tooth extracted, but he thought that he might be developing a cavity close to the gum line on another tooth, so he wanted the Dentist to look at that too, and maybe fix that, and leave the wisdom tooth for another visit. No such luck – there was no cavity in the other tooth, so the wisdom tooth came out – quickly, painlessly, and with none of the usual dramas that so often accompany the removal of wisdom teeth – like the time he’d had his other three wisdom teeth removed, about 30 years ago (not long after he and I had got together, and he’d moved in, actually!) That was not a fun episode, I can tell you! One of the wisdom teeth cracked, and had to be removed in pieces, and from memory, the other two weren’t much better! He had the three of them removed “in the chair”, with just a couple of needles of Novocaine to numb his mouth – the Dentist later admitting that he really should have had the three teeth extracted in hospital, under a general anesthetic! But things are a lot much more betterer these days, and with full facial x-rays and scans the Dentist can now see beforehand what sorts of problems might arise, like crooked or “claw” roots, that have grown into the jawbone itself (which happened to my grandmother – the dentist had to saw the tooth out of her jawbone, and he felt so bad about it that he actually went out of his way to call in on his way home, to see if she was alright. She hadn’t mentioned anything about going to the dentist to the rest of the family, and was busy cooking dinner for them when he called in, “pale-faced and trembling” (she said) because of what he’d had to put her through!) Anyway, things seem to have gone alright for Julian – this wisdom tooth had three roots which had grown together into one long, straight root that came out without any problems, so all’s well that ends well, and we’re having pasta (with some more of our own delicious – fully organic and home-grown – tomato passata!) for dinner! 🙂

After he got home we both played a bit of WoW until lunchtime – not as a team, or group, as we do on Sundays though. I hadn’t done the cat litter boxes this morning as our usual morning “routine” got thoroughly stymied by Julian’s visit to the Dentist, and I was going to do them after lunch – but I couldn’t do them then, either, as the cats had just had their lunch too, and needed access to said litter boxes! Arrgghh! More frittering! So I went and sat in the lounge room, and guess what I did! 🙂 I betcha can’t! I’m quite a fan of the (so-called) “Reality” show, Survivor, and a new season, Season 34, had started on the 9th of March – my Birthday! – on 9GO! I usually record all the Survivor shows, “to watch later”, dontchano, only I never seem to get the time – or the inclination – so sit down for a Survivor super-marathon, and I usually end up deleting it all, unwatched 🙁  Anyway, I’d recorded the first two episodes – “this time would be different!” I vowed, and I actually sat and watched the first two-hour episode this afternoon. I guess I’d better watch episode two tomorrow afternoon, before recording episode three tomorrow night! After having my Survivor “fix” for the day, I dutifully trotted off to clean out the three cat litter boxes… what better way to spend an afternoon, eh?! 😉

And as that was pretty much my day, and I’ve caught you all up on our various activities, I’ll mosey right on along to all the “good” bits!! 🙂

Food stuffs. Last night for dinner we had gently pan-fried chicken breasts which had been well rubbed with a very nice herb and spice mixture of paprika, garlic and onion that Julian had found in his Christmas Stocking last Christmas (ahem! but which was still well and truly within its “use by” date!) It was delicious, and somehow the rub managed to keep the chicken really moist, succulent, and extremely tender! It might have been a “commercial” spice rub, but it was definitely well worth getting again! We had the chicken on a bed of steamed rice mixed with diced red capsicum and finely chopped spring onions, and for dessert I had my second last Williams pear (I’d thought it was going to be the last of my pears, but I was mistaken – it was the second last! I have another for tonight…) and an “over-the-back-fence” fig, with a CHOBANI lemon yoghurt chaser! Today for lunch I had two pieces of my current favourite sourdough bread – the black “Soir” sourdough, toasted – one piece just plain buttered, the other piece buttered, with a scraping of leatherwood honey. It really does taste marvelously fantastic – I can’t recommend it highly enough! Tonight, as I mentioned earlier, we’re having pasta for dinner, as it’ll be easier for Julian to eat, with the gaping great hole in his jaw where his wisdom tooth used to be. We’ll have the pasta with some freshly grated parmesan cheese, and another of the 400 gram “sachets” of our very own, fully organic, and totally home-grown tomato passata, with (maybe!) a bit of “blonded” diced onion thrown in at the last minute. For dessert I’ll be having the last of my Williams pears (and yes, we will be going to Bushy Park tomorrow, as I wasn’t able to get any sensible fruit at the Colonial Fruit place in Doncaster!) another of my “figs-over-the-fence”, and an Apple Le Rice.

Weigh-in this morning. Wasn’t good! Roll on Easter! I went from 74.8 kg yesterday, to 74.8 kg this morning – in other words, I stayed the same… Oh well, at least I didn’t go up! (that’s happening tomorrow! 😉 )

And that brings me up to tomorrow, and apart from the (possible!) visit to Bushy Park, I have absolutely no idea what’s happening! I’d like to get in a bit more WoW-ing, and I’d like to see the next episode of Survivor, but it’s really all in the lap of the ghods! So I guess all of you happy little readers out there really have no recourse but to drop in again tomorrow night, in order to find out! 🙂  There’s really very little more to tell you all – the cats are well, the fish are well, and we’re both well (even if Julian does have a massive hole in his jaw!) so I guess that’s about “it” from me again for tonight! 😯 So until tomorrow night, do try hard to bee good, remember that if you don’t know where you’re going, any road’ll take you there, and don’t forget to keep cool – or warm, as the whim takes you, to look after yourselves, and to always drive carefully – but above allplease don’t forget to stay safe! ciao, all! 🙂

our boys, doing what they do best (apart from wreaking havoc and creating mayhem!) ...sleeping...
our boys, doing what they do best (apart from wreaking havoc and creating mayhem!) …sleeping...