Winter’s log, earthdate 201703.24

04.16 pm

Once again, a very quiet day here chez nous – for once we didn’t have any appointments or places we had to be for whatever – so we pretty much sat on our hands this morning – well, I did, anyway. Julian did a bit of office work, sifting through our over-inflated portfolio, looking for deadwood to “slash and burn”. You know, there’s really only one thing wrong with this weeding out of the deadwood – then we have to decide what we’re going to plough the proceeds back into! *sigh* Oh well – yes, it is quite nice, just sitting back and letting the proceeds trickle in without having to worry (too much!) about them – but we could (and should!) be doing a lot better – we do, I suppose, have an obligation to those who worked and saved so hard to build up the “Family Business”, not to fritter it but to improve and add to their endeavours, both for ourselves, and those who come after us.

I’m sitting here, trying to write, whilst sampling a couple of Hot Cross Buns that we bought at Wood Frog yesterday. It’s not easy, typing with one finger, and munching away at half a Hot Cross Bun in your other hand! I know that – much to my disgust – Hot Cross Buns appear on the supermarket shelves the week after Christmas, however it’s around this time of the year that we start buy up a few Hot Cross Buns here and there, to sample, so that about two weeks before Easter, after we’ve had a chance to “test drive” about half a dozen different kinds of HCB’s, we can make an informed decision and put in an order with the lucky winner of the Hot Cross Bun Test, ensuring that come Easter, we’ll have plenty of what we consider to be the best HCB’s available. This year we’ve started off with the Wood Frog HCB’s, and my goodness, they were yummy, with a capital Y, U, M, M, and Y! The guy we bought them from said that he’ll have an order book available early next week, so that people can put in their Easter Hot Cross Bun orders – paying in advance, of course! Personally, I think we’ll have a hard time finding any HCB’s up to the truly outstanding standard of the Wood Frog Buns – however, I also think we’ll have a hard time finding any HCB’s quite as expensive as those! 🙁 They’re $3.50 each! Each! A dozen would cost you $42.00 – and the two dozen that we’d be ordering would cost us $84,00! (*Winter shakes her head sadly, then continues in her very best Hillbilly accent*) There ain’t no way, no how, that we’ll be paying thet merch money fer eenuff Worm Engree Rabbits to tarde es over Easter! (*Winter goes back into normal voice-mode*) I wonder if I can haggle him down a bit… or if he gives a nice, hefty discount, if you order more than a dozen at a time? Anyway, next on our list to try are the Ferguson Plarre ones, followed closely by the Baker’s Delight Buns. From memory, we got our HCB’s from Ferguson Plarre last year – and they were pretty good! Hmm! I wonder if they make Simnel Cakes?

Julian’s already been up the street once – to get things for our dinner tonight, mainly, but it turns out that we don’t have enough oregano growing in our somewhat meager Herb Garden, so he’s had to go out again – just to get some more oregano! Poor Julian – it hasn’t been his afternoon! He was putting the rest of the shopping away before, trying to be quick because he had the dinner to cook – and in his hurry he dropped a two liter plastic [bottle/container/thingy] of milk on the floor, where it burst open and milk went everywhere – including… under the fridge! Oh dear – I just had a horrible thought! Satai seems to have lost all his little sausage toys – again! We’ve looked everywhere but haven’t been able to spot them… I sincerely hope they’re not under the fridge, helping to soak up all that spilt milk! I guess we’ll find out as soon as dinner is safely in the oven! 😕

I got an email from Blizzard today – they’re the people who run WoW – and apparently they’re having a “special” on at the moment – 25% off various Game Services, like Transferring characters from one Realm to another, changing character Names, Factions and/or Appearance and Gender. 25% off isn’t bad, so I decided to take them up on their generous offer, and move one of my characters from my primary Realm to another, because I really needed another character slot on my primary Realm, but I’d filled them all up. Anyway, I clicked on the “Transfer” 25% button in the email, and moved Ellrevienne from Saurfang to Sen’jin – but I’m not entirely sure that I got my discount! I shall investigate further! While I was waiting for Ellrevienne to be moved, I created another couple of Horde characters (which was the whole reason for me moving Ellrevienne! She was Alliance, eleven of my twelve character slots were full, and I “needed” two more Horde characters there! Ellrevienne moved… simple! 😉 ) I ended up setting up my two new characters, but as soon as I had them set up, sorted, and Transmogrified, I logged out, and started writing this. I feel a wee bit guilty for not writing anything last night, but we’d been out nearly all day – originally, we were just going to Bushy Park and come home for lunch, but Julian wanted to get something from Doncaster, so we went there first, and ended up having lunch at the Coffee Hit, before heading off to Bushy Park… They had a lot more fruit and vegetables than they had the last time we were there, but unfortunately I only had a choice of apples, pears, Nashi pears, bananas, and plums (if you discount watermelon, pineapple, dragon fruit, oranges, grapefruit, and a couple of somewhat pallid and anaemic-looking mangoes!) to choose from. I don’t know if I’ve told you before – I probably have, but I’ve forgotten, so hopefully you will have too – but I don’t really like eating apples. I don’t think I could even tell you why I don’t like eating them – I just seem to get tired of chewing before I even get half way through one. Cutting them into quarters helps, but even so… and yet I have no trouble eating a pear – even a large one! Go figure! Anyway, I ended up getting three “new season” Packham pears, two “new season” (they must be, because they certainly look different from all the other Corella pears I’ve had!) Corella pears, and three, rather big, extremely unusual, dark red pears – I think they’re called “Starkrimson“, or something (but I may well be wrong! I think the sign on them said something about “spectacular”, or “crimson”, or something-or-other! If they’re still there next time, I’ll be able to tell you – but in the meantime, they look pretty much exactly like the Starkrimson pears!) So… I’m back to eating pears, pears, and only pears, apart from the stewed Nectarines and bananas that I have on my breakfast cereal! Never mind – what fruit comes into season after all these pears? Unless it’s more apples, I’m really looking forward to whatever’s coming into season next! 😕

I’ll have to fill you in on all the rest tomorrow – like what we’ve eaten, and how my weight’s going… but it’s getting late, and my dinner is almost ready, so I’ll leave you all with this pretty picture,

...and Julian didn't think they'd ever get on and get to love eachother! :) Here they are, cuddled up together on his lap!
…and Julian didn’t think they’d ever get on and get to love eachother! 🙂 Here they are, cuddled up together on his lap!

So do drop in again tomorrow night to find out the rest of the story of our last two days, and please try especially hard to bee good, don’t forget that laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired – and remember to keep warm – or cool, depending on the circumstances,to look after yourselves, and to always drive carefully – but most importantly, please – don’t forget to stay safe! 🙂 ciao, all! 🙂